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 Angielski tezaurus
Al [æl] skr.
skr. artificial intelligence
skr., bizn. acceptance inspection; accident indemnity; accident insurance; Accounting Instruction; ad interim; after inspection; all iron; approval of import; artificial insemination; assistant inspector; Availability Index
skr., finans. first contract amount
skr., nauka o z. almandine
skr., ropa / r. alum; alumina; aluminum oxide (abrasive)
skr., sport adequate intakes
Al. skr.
skr. Alabama; Alaska; Alaskan; alley; allied
skr., fiz. Alfven number
skr., nauka o z. alumina
AlS skr.
skr., nauka o z. alluvial soil
ALIM skr.
skr., wojsk., lotn. air-launched interceptor missile
AL [æl] skr.
skr., ekon. annual lease
skr., lotn. advisory light; aerodynamics laboratory; air launched; aircraft logbook; alerting services; alumel; anticollision light; approach lighting; associated lists; audio language; automatic location; aviation laboratory
skr., med. amyloid light chain
skr., med., łac. limen absolutum
skr., micr. assembly linker (Alex_Odeychuk)
skr., mot. auto leveling; automotive lighting
skr., włók. alginate fiber
Al [æl] przym.
przem. combustion liner cross-sectional area
skr. andalusite; alcohol; alcoholic; Aluminium; AND inverter; first-class (Seregaboss)
skr., med. aluminum
skr., okręt. acetylene
skr., papier. accrued interest
skr., techn. analog input; automatic input; aluminium, aluminum
Al. skr.
skr. Alaska Reports; Aleyn's Reports
skr., tworz. aluminium
al. skr.
skr. alius
skr., ekon. allotment letter
skr., nauka o z. alcohol
łac. alii (alibi, alias, "others", "elsewhere", "otherwise")
al [æl] skr.
skr., nauka o z. Albian
skr., ropa / r. allied; allotriomorphic; alluvial
AL [æl] skr.
fizj. Left ear
meteorol. accuracy landing
przem. Alaska; alert level; authorized limit; automatic loading
skr. Aeronautical Laboratory; Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp.; Army List; Aviation Medical Laboratory; "azure laid"; alarm light; alkylated liquor; A Law; Abraham Lincoln; Absolute Latency (Alex Lilo); Acceptable Language (Alex Lilo); Acceptable Level (Alex Lilo); Acceptance Limit (Alex Lilo); Access Line (FS-1037c Alex Lilo); Account Librarian (Alex Lilo); Action Level (OSHA Alex Lilo); Action Limit (NREL Alex Lilo); Active Link (logical communications circuit Alex Lilo); Active Lipid; Ad Libitum; Ada Language (Alex Lilo); Adaptation Layer (Alex Lilo); Additional Listing (Alex Lilo); Address List; Administrative Leave (Alex Lilo); Administrative Logistics; Adult Language (Alex Lilo); Adult Literacy; Advanced Leader (Toastmasters Alex Lilo); Aeronomy Laboratory (Alex Lilo); Age Location (Internet chat Alex Lilo); Agency Liaison (Alex Lilo); Agricultural Labourer; Air Land (Alex Lilo); Air Leakage (Alex Lilo); Air Lift (Alex Lilo); Air Lingus (Irish Airline Alex Lilo); Air Liquide (Alex Lilo); air lock; Airloop (AT&T Alex Lilo); Alagoas (Brazil Alex Lilo); Alarm Light (NEC Alex Lilo); Albany Field Office; Alberta (Alex Lilo); Albuquerque Operations Office (US DOE Alex Lilo); Alcan Aluminum, LTD.; Alessandria (Piemonte, Italy Alex Lilo); All Languages; Alliance Leader (Starkingdoms online game Alex Lilo); Alsace-Lorraine (Alex Lilo); Altec Lansing (Alex Lilo); Alteration (Alex Lilo); Albania (Alex Lilo); ALGOL; aluminum; Always Late; amber light; Amendment Leaflet (Alex Lilo); American League (baseball Alex Lilo); American Legend (Alex Lilo); American Legion (Alex Lilo); American Libraries (American Library Association journal Alex Lilo); Ames Laboratory (Alex Lilo); Amplitude Limiter; Analog Link (Alex Lilo); Analog Loopback (diagnostic test Alex Lilo); Analytical Laboratories (Alex Lilo); Analytical Limit (Alex Lilo); Android Lust (band Alex Lilo); Angelic Layer (manga/anime Alex Lilo); Anno Lucis (Alex Lilo); Annual Leave (Alex Lilo); Answer List (Alex Lilo); Antennal Lobe (Alex Lilo); Apache Longbow (Attack Helicopter Alex Lilo); Aphus Lassel (gaming, Asheron's Call Alex Lilo); Apparatus List (Alex Lilo); Application Layer (Alex Lilo); Applications Layer; Approach & Landing; Approach and Landing (Alex Lilo); Arab League (Alex Lilo); Armament Laboratory (Alex Lilo); Armor Level (gaming, Asheron's Call Alex Lilo); Armstrong Laboratory (Alex Lilo); Arrival Locator (Alex Lilo); Arse Licker; Artificial Lines; Asian Littoral (Alex Lilo); Assisting Layer (Alex Lilo); Aster Leafhopper (Alex Lilo); Astronautics Laboratory (Alex Lilo); Asynchronous Learning; At Last; Atomic Learning (Alex Lilo); Attoliter (10 E^-18, one quintillionth Alex Lilo); Auroral Electrojet index lower (Alex Lilo); Authorized Leave with Pay (Alex Lilo); Automotive Lenses; Autonomic Logistics (Alex Lilo); Auxiliary Lighting (Alex Lilo); Avril Lavigne; Awami League (Bangladesh Alex Lilo); Axial Length (Alex Lilo); FAADC2I Lightweight Computer Unit; Lightship (Alex Lilo); St. Albans (postcode for a village Alex Lilo); Auris Laeva left ear
skr., bizn. air letter; alley; allotment letter; alloy; autograph letter; average life expectancy; light ship
skr., broń. Airlock; Alabama
skr., elektron. average life; absolute loader; absorption loss; access link; actual loss; address length; adiabatic limit; air-launched; allylcyanide; analog loop; angle lapping technique; atomic layer; audio load; autoepistemic logic; automatic locking; availability level; accidental loss
skr., fizj. Accessory Ligament; Anterior Lateral; Auris Left left ear
skr., geofiz. acoustic logging (igisheva)
skr., gleb. alisol
skr., kartogr. instrument approach and landing (chart)
skr., kolej. alert limit
skr., komp. Advanced leveraging (Artjaazz)
skr., lab. Average Lifetime; After Loading; ALbumin; accepted limit
skr., lotn. airline; alternate; approach light; autoland
skr., med. Acute Leukemia; arterial line (внутриартериальный катетер (канюля) kat_j); arterial line (Vosoni)
skr., mor. accomodation ladder
skr., nauka o z. abstraction limit; active layer; Aeronony Laboratory; alaskite; allanite; altocumulus; alvén number; Associated Laboratories; associated lead; astronomical league; attenuation length; Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm
skr., olej. acoustic log (MichaelBurov); sonic log (MichaelBurov); SL (MichaelBurov)
skr., piłk. away loss (Alexey Lebedev)
skr., polit. Albania
skr., progr. A-life (ssn); ALife (ssn); artificial life (ssn)
skr., przestrz. ABBAS; air launch
skr., roln. absorbed light (Uljan)
skr., ropa / r. accident loss; accommodation ladder; alkali lignin; algorithmic language; all length; anchor leg; angle-lock; ANSI American National Standard Institutelabel; Arabian light crude oil; arm length; artificial lift; assembler language; assumed latitude; audio library; auto lean (mixture); autolean mixture
skr., rozsz. ALAW format Sound file
skr., sach. acoustic log (compensated)
skr., sieć. arbitrated loop
skr., sport American League (Baseball); Asian League (Ice Hockey)
skr., stomat. attachment level (MichaelBurov)
skr., szkoc.ang. Alabama (US state); Albania (NATO country code)
skr., technol. adaptation level; artificial life
skr., wojsk. air landing; air liaison
skr., wojsk., lotn. acceleration level
skr., włók. accrued liabilities
skr., zaut. Arm Language; assembly language
techn. accredited laboratory; acoustics laboratory; action level; address latch; address line; alarm relay; analytical laboratory; angle lock; antenna laboratory; auto-lean mixture; automatic landing; avionics laboratory
technol., skr. Alabama (US state postal designation)
wojsk. acquisition logistician; action left; airlift; allowance list; amendment list; ammunition loading
znak. Atlas